A Mental Health Day

It’s been cold, or wet, or windy almost every day since Good Friday (7 April 2023), there’s really not been enough dry days in between the wet ones so I’ve not been on a country walk for 18 days (it’s 25 April today) and having a rare dry, warmish, and not blustery day today IContinue reading “A Mental Health Day”

A Good Friday walk

Yesterday’s walk was far from straightforward and far from quiet on occasions. It was Good Friday, children are off school for Easter, and we’ve had quite a bit of rain over the last few weeks so 3 days of dry weather needed taking advantage of. I knew there’d be areas of “soft ground” but asContinue reading “A Good Friday walk”

“Too peopley!”

Just home from a chilly Sunday walk (5th March 2023) the temperature was 4°C rose to 5°C but with wind chill felt like 2°C, so Willow has made it her job to thaw the tops of my legs. I thought my big cardigan would be enough (as I overheat when walking) but the North windContinue reading ““Too peopley!””

A walk into serendipity.

I went for a walk today. I walked through the park stopping to listen to, and record some birdsong. Then I continued on through to Digswell, where I thought I’d have to abandon my walk thanks to this large lorry parked on the pavement by the school gate. While I was searching for a wayContinue reading “A walk into serendipity.”

Walking back to happiness?

I’ve been struggling a bit with the blues recently. Just personal things getting on top of me but when the blues start hitting me hard I end up not going anywhere. Part of the problem was I was waiting on a repair kit for my old canes, a new cane, and some new tips asContinue reading “Walking back to happiness?”

Crying happy tears

26 days playing with Braille Bananagrams. 2 lessons via Zoom. 20 days playing with my Hable One. Half an hour typing using my Hable One (and editing the old fashioned way to remove the words that were autocorrected* before typing the correct words in with my Hable). *autocorrect had replaced new with Eden + andContinue reading “Crying happy tears”