Blind football? A Facebook memory.

Facebook reminded me about this memorable post I made 5 years ago about my (then) 4 year old grandson with my first white cane (a guide cane). “Nathan decided since he was wearing my shades and visor he’d borrow my white cane too for some “blind football”. I love this funny little man.” I tookContinue reading “Blind football? A Facebook memory.”

A random walk in the night.

My eldest son called me a bit before 8:30pm yesterday (6 October 2022) would I like to go for a night walk… around 10 or so minutes later we went for a walk in the countryside near my home. We totally missed the path in the hill field and ended up walking around the edge.Continue reading “A random walk in the night.”

Unexpected Piggies On An Unplanned Walk

My eldest son called me at 16:44 yesterday afternoon (Sunday 4 September 2022)- did I fancy going for a walk. I’d been trying to steel myself to go out all day and kept just sitting vegging thanks to the fact it’s September and I’m struggling with my annual “September Stinks Sluggishness”. It’s so hard toContinue reading “Unexpected Piggies On An Unplanned Walk”

September stinks.

Trigger warning. I have struggled with September since my dad died suddenly in 1982. Since then September feels like hell month with anniversaries multiplying. My Facebook memory from 3 September 2011 Life was not meant to be easy- but if all the challenges I have in my life mean I can have a flash mansionContinue reading “September stinks.”

Oops where has time gone?

After my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson visited friends and family in our hometown I travelled back with them to their home in Cleethorpes. The car journey was a bit of adventure- wasps ruined our meal at McDonalds, traffic jams on the main road led to travelling back roads my son-in-law knows well due to hisContinue reading “Oops where has time gone?”

Turkish meal, and a walk in the woods

I braved the bus, the town centre, and a restaurant today. I had my first ever Turkish meal… a rather delicious and filling Lamb Beyti served with salad and rice. Many thanks to my youngest son for inviting me and treating me to this meal. It’s so long since I last went on a busContinue reading “Turkish meal, and a walk in the woods”

White Cane Day

Today was the best day for an adventure. I was 75% excited and 25% nervous as I waited to leave. I had got my train ticket as an “e-ticket” online with a discount using my Disabled Person’s Railcard, and booked Passenger Assistance using the passenger assistance app. Normally starting an account on apps isn’t thatContinue reading “White Cane Day”

September- and mixed emotions

September was always a happy month in my childhood as though I loved the school summer holiday months I was ready to return to school. My childhood summer hols in memory seem idyllic. I could read a book or two per day. With my siblings we spent time at the local man made lakes (withContinue reading “September- and mixed emotions”

What a magnificent walk!

This week my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson moved 3 hours north so I decided I needed a good walk to shake off my Eeyore mood. I picked up my cane with the Huju tip and my walking stick and off I went. That Huju tip certainly makes my walk easier as there is no needContinue reading “What a magnificent walk!”

Exploring- Not Lost!

This week has been great for getting out and about. Monday I had the pleasure of my 7 year old grandson’s company so we went to my local park followed by a walk in a farmer’s field where we watched trains on the viaduct (me via my phone screen as I took photos and madeContinue reading “Exploring- Not Lost!”